Hi! Welcome to my weblog. My name is Billy and I'm ready 2 publicize my life. I'll talk about whatever, whenever and generally, it'll b lots of fun. So todays the 7 and I'm on Chrismas Break 4rm school (thank gawd)... but I have 2 go back the 9th. Another good piece of news is my b day is in 23 days! But its gonna suck going back to school. I'm in honors classes, school food sucks, and by best friends r pissed off at me. My friend Missa is mad because I dumped her sister (who she forced me to go out with) and because I don't stay out of her fat-lard crushes buisness, or as she says monkey buisness (black eyed peas second cd). And my best best best friend Angela is p.o.'ed 4 no aparent reason. So inspite of all of this going back to school will be hell. But until then, I'm going to sit back, relax, and surf the net.
LUA(love you all) P.S.-Missa trashed my last blog, hopefully she doesn't do it to this one.
P.P .S.- Did I mention she's a selective mute?